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1. Date of Issue of Gazette Notification 01/11/2013(Friday)
2. Last Date of Nominations 08/11/2013 (Friday)
3. Date for Scrutiny of Nominations 09/11/2013 (Saturday)
4. Last Date for Withdrawal of Candidatures 11/11/2013 (Monday)
5. Date of Poll if Necessary 25/11/2013 (Monday)
6. Counting Shall be held on 08/12/2013 (Sunday)
7. Date before which the Election Shall be
Completed 11/12/2013 (Wednesday)
For more details you can visit website http://ceomadhyapradesh.nic.in
मंगलवार, 29 अक्टूबर 2013
Schedule-Vidhan Sabha General Elections 2013
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